Amandas Media Blog

Evaluation Question #4
April 6, 2010, 8:22 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Media technologies had a huge part to play during the course of our production project, from the availability of information that the internet offers to the programme that we used to piece our production together. Without the help from these resources it would have been a lot more time consuming to attain the effects and research that we needed to complete our objectives.

Media technology helped us straight from the start of our project, since the internet was the main source of our research. Although we were unable to access main video distributor, Youtube, from school, we found other means of accessing music videos on the internet as part of our research. We spent much time looking at relevant videos that also used the reverse technique, such as The Scientist by Coldplay, and From Your Mouth by God Lives Underwater. It was very useful having instant access to these videos straight after we gained our initial ideas, so that our creativity wasn’t hindered.

The programme  – iMovie, shaped the way out media product turned out, because it contained the effects that we needed in order to create our ambitious visuals. The reverse and speed changing functions available on the programme were very beneficial in allowing us to warp a normal image, without having any filming complications. Because we had used an older version of the iMovie for our AS production work, we spent a lot of time experimenting with the newer version of the programme and its functions in preparation for our music video. For example, we experimented with the visuals that looked most impressive when reversed and compiled a video with the different effects that we had found. The programme was also extremely useful to compile a series of other videos that showed certain research processes, such as the VOXPOP and location video. As well as allowing us to report back and present all our findings in a visual form, this gave us practice with the camera settings and jazzy transitions that iMovie had to offer.

By the time we had filmed the content for our main task, we were very much used to iMovie and the editing technique that it involves. This meant that few complications arose whilst editing apart from the one scene mentioned earlier, where we applied an irreversible effect to that reduced its quality. We were able to alter the hue of the piece to give it a highlight in the darker scenes, which even gave a silvery tone to some of the imagery from the squash courts. I am very pleased with the editing technique that we used, since there are movements which fit perfectly in time with the music and give it a very rhythmical appeal.

The production of our ancillary tasks required a lesser amount of technology than our main task, since the bulk of the image was created from raw paper cuttings and stills from the video. However, a great deal of editing went into the photographs post-production, using the software Photoshop. This allowed us to change the contrast of the images and therefore make them a lot brighter, emphasising the colours in the paint and highlighting the significance of the text. I believe that taking photos of the raw images produced makes it seem more home-made, and reflects Santigold’s ability in the video to create and transform.

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